Friday 20 December 2013

WHFBR Dark Elves (new) vs Skaven 2500p

Again it was time for Inger Helene to test her Dark Elf rooster.  Our guest, Ole, eager to learn more, and even more happy to find out that the new “Warhammer army book Dwarfs” are rumoured to arrive early in 2014J

This time I brought along my Skaven. Being one of the older Army Books, but very good in 8th edition (my opinion anyway), I figure it is a good idea to use it while the current rules apply. Also, this is perhaps the army I have enjoyed most in building and painting, so I looked forward to test it against the “new” Dark Elves.


The Skaven army took up position to the east. From north east to south east:
Rat Dart
Warp Lightning Cannon
40 Slaves with Engineer (Lv 1)
40 Slaves
35 Clanrats with Grey Seer (Lv4)
Plague Priest (Lv1) with Plague Furnace and 40 Plague Monks
-       behind the unit 23 Clanrats with BSB and Warlord
40 Slaves
40 Slaves with Engineer
Rat Dart

The Dark Elves army took up position to the vest. From north vest to south vest:
5 Coldone Knights
23 Witch Elves with Hag and Cauldron of Blood (BSB)
            - behind the unit 25 Warriors with Lv4
40 Corsairs
War Hydra
20 Crossbows
19 Crossbows with Lv1


The Skaven went first, the whole of the army moving forwards. Both of the Hellpits surged forward, a little to fare forward so they where in a forward position without backup (I must remember to deploy them a little further back). The Skaven move hindered the Dark Elves in charging the Plague Furnace with the Witch Elves, a close combat the Skaven where sure they would loose. In short, Ratdart and Slaves moved against the crossbows, Slaves moved in on the Warhydra (redirecting), Plague Monks moved in on the Corsairs, Slaves and Hellpit moved against the Witch Elves, Slaves flanking the advance, and finally the last Hellpit and Slave unit moved against the knights. It was a brutal magic phase! “Plague” killed of half of the Corsair, Witch Elf and Warrior unit with the Lv4! I felt bad for my opponent. However, it was cast with irresistible force, the magic back clash killing of some Skaven Clanrats, Slaves, a Plague Monk, and causing two wounds on the Grey Seer! The shooting was – crap. The Warlord consulted the Greyseer, banners where reviled, and it started raining….

The Dark Elves managed all of their Panic Tests, and continued their battle plan. The Witch Elves charged the Hellpit in centre. The Corsairs moved forward towards the Plague Furnace. The Knights did not managed to control their mounts, which decided to feed on some grass (stupid). The Crossbow units adjusted their position. The Skaven was very lucky that the knights did not manage to charge to lone Hellpit. Dark Magic proved ineffective, but managed to force the Skaven army to use their Dispel Scroll. Shooting was severely hindered by the pouring rain, only managing to kill a Giant rat and some slaves! By a miracle, the lone Hellpit in centre managed its regen saves and where left with two wounds (and managed its stubborn test). The Dark Elves prepared for the onslaught of living flesh!

It stopped raining. To the south the Skaven Ratdart moved close to the Crossbow unit, forcing it to either charge ore gun them down. The Slave unit with Engineer moved in on the second Crossbow unit, pretty much doing the same. Slave unit moved close to the Warhydra in a redirect position. The Plague Monks/Plague Furnace charged the Corsairs, Slaves charged the Witch Elves and the Hellpit to the North charged the Witch Elves in the flank. To the far north the Rat Dart and Slaves moved in on the Knights in a redirect position (away from centre). This turn, the dreaded 13th spell killed of the Warrior unit with the Lv4 down to one warrior and the Lv4! The warp Lightning Cannon managed to kill two Knights. In close combat the Plague Monks and Plague Furnace broke the Corsairs, run them down and over runned into the Lv4 and her Warrior companion. The Witch Elves managed to kill one of the Hellpits, but where almost whipped out, broke and where cut down!

The Dark Elves despaired! The War Hydra attacked the Slaves, the Knights charged the Slaves to the north, and the Crossbow units adjusted their position towards centre. The Lv2 killed the Ratdart to the south with magic, but unfortunately, but she was killed in the magical backlash from irresistible force! The back clash also killed of several Crossbow warriors in both the Crossbow units, resulting in one of the units panicking and fleeing! The Lv4 killed of 11 Plague Monks! The remaining Crossbow unit killed of some Slaves. In close combat the Warhydra started killing of Slaves, but not nearly enough to break them. The Plague unit overrun only “clipped” the Lv4, and surprisingly, the Lv4 held her ground! The Knights to the north killed of some Slaves, but they held their ground (the Knights forgetting to single out the Engineer in close combat giving the unit high Ld.).  The Plague unit reformed.

The Skaven Hellpit to the north slammed into the side of the Knights. The Slaves in centre started heading south to aid in the fight against the Crossbows two turns down the game…. The Slaves to the south charged the fleeing crossbows, which had to continue to flee, halted 2 inch from the table edge! Damn, the Slaves failed their “redirect” roll and so could not charge the other Crossbow unit. Nothing eventful happened in the magic phase except the Warhydra loosing one in toughness from “Wither” and the Warp Lightning Cannon misfiring (nothing happened). The Plague Unit cut down the Lv4. The Hellpit and Slaves to the north killed of the Knights. The Slaves centre held against the Warhydra.

The Dark Elf general now only had two Crossbow units (damaged) and the Warhydra left, facing 4 Slave Units, Plague unit at ½ Strength, 2 Clanrat units and a Hellpit. The Dark Elf general was hungry, for food, could not find a way to avoid a massacre, and decided to fold.

Skaven victory!


Both generals control units with fear and terror. It is important to make use of these assets and to remember to make a point out of them during the game as they can affect the outcome of a combat. We both forgot this turn two (did remember turn one and three).

The Dark Elf general must remember that Engineers "left in the front row" can be singled out in close combat.

The aftermath:

The Dark Elf general realized that using her old list, with the current Army Book, is not an optimal use of the new rules or old units, deciding to “rebuild” the army with a different setup. The best of luck, and looking forward to our next game!


  1. Hard task for the Dark elf to face this army.
    I think you can add some Dark rider units . Drop or beef up the Cold one knights.
    Maybe drop one X bow unit and add bolt throwers.
    What kind of Magic did you use?

  2. I don’t know if Inger Helene has time to read the blog these days, so I can give some Intel☺ I am sure she appreciates the advice.

    She used ”Dark Elf” magic (she enjoys being very in character). As far as I know both Dark Riders and Executioners are currently being evaluated. With the increase in cost I also know she is reconsidering the army build. I have played this list fore some time now, and yes, it is hard to face for her DE list.

