Sunday 1 December 2013

High Elves – Frost Hart Phoenix – army progress # 1

Since the ”new” High Elves army book came, I have been trying to figure out what elements to add to my old model range / unit range. I have followed the debate on the ”Ulthuan” forum closely; I tend to enjoy the lists and feedback on diverse lists (not mono dominant). Why? 40K is my main game system, and where I use 90% of my hobby and gaming time. And 40K is where I get “serious”. Warhammer Fantasy to me is all fun and fluff. Therefore, one thing I did not want to do was tom make a ”tournament list consisting of Monster-Flyers” (Mr Molorian style). However, since the fluff part of the new High Elves are so into flyers, I will ad some, hence my first model was the Frost Hart Phoenix.

I found painting this model difficult. I still have not got around to use my new airbrush, and wanting to play my old friends from GW soon, I tried to blend and use dry brush in order to tie it all together. Enough said, this is how it turned out:

I magnetized the ”top” so I could field the rider (Anointed of Asuryan):

Next – (more) archers.




  1. Wow, that's lovely!

    By the way; I bet I know where the rider uses most of his ointment... ;)

  2. Very nice!!!!!!! My Dark Elves are looking forward to roast a chicken...;)

  3. A very nice frosty indeed,
    It is very hard to kill this chicken.
