Wednesday 15 May 2013

Warriors of Chaos – army progress # 9 – Chaos Warshrine and Chaos Chariot

I just could not help myself…. With only two more units to go (to finish my initial army build), I spent the last two days painting them, and the army (with the exception of movement trays) is now - “finished” (se below)!

First out – my Chaos Warshrine. I loved the description of the Warshrine in the old Army Book, hence – I was not particularly thrilled with the fluff behind the new one – ore the model. I therefore decided to go with the plans I had for building the Warshrine in accordance with the fluff in the old book.

Using Chaos Steeds, Chaos Warriors and lots of bits from a Chaos Rhino, I altered a Corpse Chart from the Vampire Counts into my own variant of the Chaos Warshrine. I was stupid enough to assemble the model before painting… Picking out details was a nightmare, however I think I would have had problems separating parts during construction since there are so many parts that are fitted together. Enough said, this is how it turned out:

The last unit in my initial army build is a Chaos Chariot. I do like the Chariot itself, but not the Steeds. They are two small compared to the “wagon”, and also when compared with the Chaos Steeds carrying the Knights. If I ever decide to build another I will use the “standard” Chaos Steeds. To theme the crew with the rest of the army I used helmets etc from the Warrior sprues. I also left out the "large horns" on the Chariot. Anyway, this is how it looks:

Where to go next? Obviously – movement trays. Not too keen on the “Chaos monster-build army”, I think about adding a unit of Skull Crushers in order to give me some flexibility. But then, in June, I will revert to 40K for a project related to my Ultramarines (can be seen on team Storm Bolter, se link below), before I revert to my High Elf army during the summer, so it will (hopefully) be tournament ready this autumn.



  1. It is a while I have a look here. A lot of progress I can see. Nice chariots. You are very good to use other armies models to build your own special models.

  2. I like the warshrine! I think it is better than the original one:)
    The Warrior in the chariot reminds me of a gladiator. Very Nice!
