Saturday, 23 June 2012

Warhammer Fantasy Gaming Event 26.05.2012

Although most of these pictures have been posted on Jon Arne´s own blogg, I would like to include some pictures from my first Fantasy event at my new flat.

It was a beautiful day! 3 gaming tables, 6 generals and some visitors. We where able to play outside, starting around 12.00 and finishing 03.30!

First out - pictures of our three gaming tables:

The terrace! Haakan´s Ogres vs EagleWolf´s Skaven:
Dag´s Daemons of Chaos vs Jon Arne´s Tomb Kings:
Skaven are on the move....
Haakan´s "Alter Ego"....
Birk´s Empire vs Haakans Ogres:
Clan EagleWolf prepares a devistating assault on the Tomb Kings

Birks Empire General
The Empire in trouble(?)
Dag´s Daemons of Chaos vs Erik´s Skaven

1 comment:

  1. Yes this was a great gaming day. A lot of game and hobby talk. Three great games good food and drink. could wargamer ask for more.
