Saturday, 23 June 2012

SKAVEN - Clan EagleWolf

Greetings fellow generals!

Preparing for a 3000p game against Birk tomorrow, I used the occasion to take some new and hopefully better, pictures of my Skaven Army. Shortly I will be posting a similar article on my High Elves. I hope you like them, please comment for input or feedback in general.
Slaves - 4 X 40
Clanrats - 2 X 36
Weapon Teams - 2 X Poisoned Wind Mortars, 2 X Warpfire Throwers and 2 X Ratling Guns
Plague Priest with Plague Furnace and 40 Plague Monks
40 Giant Rats and 4 Packmasters
5 rat Ogres with 4 Packmasters
2 X 6 Gutter Runners
2 Hell Pit Abomination (and 3 Rat Swarms in case they should be slain...)
2 Warp Lightning Cannons
Grey Seer, Chieftain (BSB) and Warlock Engineer

1 comment:

  1. An impressive numbers of figures. And the are all looking good.
