Unfortunately the pictures are not very
good. But the game was!
The Dark Elves deployed their army first.
All units except for a unit of Dark Riders and one unit of Coldone Knights
deployed. In centre a large block of Witch Elves, flanked by Spearmen units, a
Chariot and two Hydras. And of course, to the fare side, Shades and in the
opposite corner – Harpies. And not to forget – a unit of Black Guard.
The Skaven deployed Plague Monks with the Plague Furnace in centre, flanked by Slaves, Giant Rats, Clan Rats, two Hell Pits and Gutter Runners on the far flanks. Two Cannons behind the line. A big unit of Clan Rats (combat unit) and Gutter Runners entered from reserve.
Three big mistakes! The Skaven neglected to protect one of their Cannons, more or less inviting the Harpies to a charge turn 2. Next big mistake, recognising that the Black Guard are Unbreakable, with a high I and S, making them deadly to Hell Pits - with the Flaming Banner. And – forgetting that the damn Witch Elves have poison!
And these mistakes proved vital trough out turn 2 -3. Although managing to gun down a Lord on a Manticore, the Skaven did not manage to make significant damage to the Dark Elves. Poison Wind Mortars, two Cannons, Gutter Runners and the Doom Rocket did almost no damage, unless you count wounds caused on friendly units..... Oh well – a lesson learned when you don’t pay your troops enough - or maybe the Dark Eldar had done just that..? Betrayals? Hmmmm...
The Dark Elves moved forward engaging the Skaven on all fronts. By turn three The Witch Elves had managed to destroy the Plague Furness and to kill all of the Plague Monks. The Black Guard managed to kill one Hell Pit and the Harpies managed to take out one Cannon! Although the Skaven killed one Hydra, reduced the Witch Elves, Black Guard and The Spearmen, it was only a matter of time before the Skaven battle line would break. Damn! Killing of a large number of Dark Elves Spearmen, this scenario manifested itself when the Grey Seer where killed by the backlash from the dreaded 13th spell!
Oh well, the Skaven fought on, learning and trying to adapt. After turn 6 only one unit of Gutter Runners where alive - heading back to Skavenbligh to tell their story, so that Clan EagleWolf would be better prepared for the next engagement.
A solid victory to the Dark Elves over the
Skaven! A fun game, with a rematch in the near future!
Where Ørnulv and guest may show off their
latest exploits in the Old World.
Where the distinguished readers and hobbyists (That's you lot!)
may read all about it, and perhaps even offer a little encouragement or
constructive criticism
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Warhammer Fantasy Gaming Event 26.05.2012
Although most of these pictures have been
posted on Jon Arne´s own blogg, I would like to include some pictures from my
first Fantasy event at my new flat.
It was a beautiful day! 3 gaming tables, 6
generals and some visitors. We where able to play outside, starting around
12.00 and finishing 03.30!
First out - pictures of our three gaming tables:
The terrace! Haakan´s Ogres vs EagleWolf´s Skaven:
Dag´s Daemons of Chaos vs Jon Arne´s Tomb Kings:
Skaven are on the move....
Haakan´s "Alter Ego"....
Birk´s Empire vs Haakans Ogres:
Clan EagleWolf prepares a devistating assault on the Tomb Kings
Birks Empire General
The Empire in trouble(?)
Dag´s Daemons of Chaos vs Erik´s Skaven
Warriors of Chaos - army progress #1
It is a pity
that VaulsC no longer plays Warhammer Fantasy. During the last couple of years
I have enjoyed his battle reports. One of his armies was – Warriors of Chaos. He’s
army and play style inspired me (together with great fluff and models) to
eventually start my own army.
One week
into the project I have assembled the first batch of 20 X Chaos Marauders. The
unit will be increased to about 50 strong. I have opted to go with Great
Weapons on them, converting Flails and Hand Weapons into “Great Weapons”. Jørn
has supplied me with a lot of extra bits that I will implement throughout the
army, including the next batch of Marauder models.
The bases
are not finished as I await a shipment that I think will add to the theme and
feel of the army.
SKAVEN - Clan EagleWolf
fellow generals!
for a 3000p game against Birk tomorrow, I used the occasion to take some new
and hopefully better, pictures of my Skaven Army. Shortly I will be posting a
similar article on my High Elves. I hope you like them, please comment for
input or feedback in general.
Slaves - 4 X 40
Clanrats - 2 X 36
Weapon Teams - 2 X Poisoned Wind Mortars, 2 X Warpfire Throwers and 2 X Ratling Guns
Plague Priest with Plague Furnace and 40 Plague Monks
40 Giant Rats and 4 Packmasters
5 rat Ogres with 4 Packmasters
2 X 6 Gutter Runners
2 Hell Pit Abomination (and 3 Rat Swarms in case they should be slain...)
2 Warp Lightning Cannons
Grey Seer, Chieftain (BSB) and Warlock Engineer
Greetings fellow Generals!
Welcome to
this Wargaming Blogg!
I hope members will use it to post army pictures, army
progress reports and battle reports. It is important to share in order to
inspire and motivate. Although I will be writing in English, this is by no
means necessary!
As you can
see I have made labels for all of the GW Fantasy armies. And I will include
links to various sites I find useful, be it gaming/tactical or
hobby related.
I hope
members will be posting “army progress” pictures, labeling them as “army
progress” and under the correct “army type”. In addition I hope you post pictures of
finished models labeled with the correct "army type". Please also feel free to post
battle reports, consisting of pictures and text, or only pictures with comments.
This should be labeled “Battle reports” and with the correct “army type” labels.
Over the summer
I will expand this blogg, dedicated first and foremost to “the old world”, to
include the GW Lord of The Ring Strategy Game. Many of us have LOTR armies, and it is
only proper that we once again field them in battle.
I wish to
thank Jørn for helping me create this blogg. As most are aware of, I am also a
dedicated 40K player and member of “Team Stormbolter”. Please visit our blogg
for inspiration (link below).
Happy war
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Hello world... or 'blogosphere' if you will

Having spent a few very late hours setting up the first draft of the blog, I figured a distinctive logo was in order. After a bit of googling images and drawings based on old european Coat of Arms, I found, combined and re-coloured a couple of images of a Griffin and a Rampant Wolf.
An EagleWolf, if you will...
A few days later, I've spent a few more hours with Ø modifying the layout and colours more to his taste. We think we have a suitable platform to showcase some of the stunning Warhammer Fantasy armies out there in the Norwegian gaming community.
As I don't play WHFB myself, ("Yet!" ...according to Ø) I'll be restraining myself to a supporting role here.
Daemons of Chaos,
Dark Elves,
High Elves,
Ogre Kingdoms,
Orcs and Goblins,
The Empire,
Tomb Kings,
Vampire Counts,
Warriors of Chaos,
Wood Elves
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