Friday, 7 June 2013

Warriors of Chaos – army progress # 10 – Skull Crushers of Khorne

The last unit…(?). Well, I guess a army is never “finished”, but for now I will setle for this last unit. My Warriors of Chaos army list was designed according to the last Codex. However, with the new codex I realized I would have to adapt.

Fore those of you who have seen my progress, know that I initially built and painted a unit of 50 Chaos Marauders with Flails (ore Great weapon), a unit that took a severe “beating” in the new Army Book. Also, I wanted to add at least one unit to my list that was “new”. Hence, I decided to go with this unit:

I will now revert to my Ultramarines army and High Elf army, hoping to “up date” them both, although I see my self playing my Warriors of Chaos army in the near future when playing Warhammer Fantasy. 

Looking forward to field them in 3000p game tomorrow :)


1 comment:

  1. Your Warriors of Chaos look terrifying. Exactly what they should.
