Saturday, 10 November 2012

Ogres vs Beastmen

For the upcoming NM tournament (2000p) in January I will try a different ogre list.
The list should neutralize one of the Ogres weak spot. I. So I made a list with a thundertusk.
(The thundertusk work very well vs a deamon army some weeks ago) Dag and Per knows this too ;o)
All enemy models within 6” Always strike last. This list could work but it is also very fragile.
I faced Espen he is a good 40K player and also a  WHFB player.He played my own beastmens.

Ogre list
Slaughterrmaster lv 3 Gut magic, Butcher Lore of best lv 1, Brusier BSB.3 x 1 sabertusk, 7x Ironguts FC, 8x Ogres FC, 5 x Leadbelcher, 2 Morfang cavalry

Beastmen list
Beastlord, Wargor BSB, Great bray shaman lv3 Lore of beast. 31x gor (Shield) FC,20 x gor FC additional hand weapon, 2 x chariot,2 x ungor raiders, 6 x minotaurs FC shield,19 x bestigor heard.

Sorry no picturs from deployment
Ogre deployment From right to left(ogre view)Two sabretusks. Leadbelcher, Morfang cavalry, Ogres, Thundertusk, Iron guts, Sabretusk.
Beastmen deployment From right to left(ogre view)Minotaur’s, Chariot, Bestigor, Gerneral and BSB  chariot ,Big gor unit, small gor unit with Bray shaman. Two small units of ungor readier in reserve.

Turn one
Both armies march forwards. Minotaur’s easy hunt down a saber tusk.
Magic and shooting minor effects.
Turn two
A turn with failed charges.
Ogers declare a lot of charges.  No charge went through
Bestmen tried also to charge but they also failed. Both ungor raiders arrived. One of them shoot down a sabertusk.In the magic turn Ogre lost their dispel scroll. Due to the shaman tried to turned himself in to  a monster.
Turn three

Iron gut hunt down the small gor unit.Ogres and thunder tusk charge the big gor unit. Only the thundertusk made it. Beastmen won the combat but the Thundertusk hold. A chariot charge the ogre. The ogre made coffee wood of the chariot. Minotaur’s try to charge the leadbelcher for the second time and failed again. But the shaman  turned himself in to Mountain chimera with irresistible  (irritable)  force.

Great now I have a monster in my flank.

(yes it is a giant but we did not have a Mountain chimera model)

Turn four
Morfang cavalry charge the bestigor. They win the combat due to a lot of luck.Bestigor holds.


Iron guts vs the mountain chimera lost but inflicted some wounds. Iron gut hold.

Ogres thundertusk and Gors hacking down each other. The ogre win but the thunder tusk is lost.
Again with a lot of lock the mourfang holds., Due to magic they had +IT and+1S.
The leadblecher shoot down two minotaur’s For the third time the minotaurs failed a charge.
The mountain chimera faces its death by the Ironguts,
Turn five

Leadbelcher join the bestigor/morfang combat. The ogre grind down the gor unit. They also had a ungor unit at the rear.
Minotaur’s finally made there charge.The leadblecher lost  but the minotaur’s could not run them down.

Turn six

The bitter end. Everything goes wrong for the Beastmen.Only the general is alive but is run down.
Ogres wipeout the minotaur’s with a devastating impact hits and some + 1S hits.
Gut magic is great. Victory to the ogres


Well The goal was to test the Thundertusk. Yes it did  work, But cannot work alone. I must have more units in combat to support the monster. Not so sure I will use it in a tournament, More play testing. A spell or a cannon ball can easy take this out.

The ogre wins the game due to luck, gut magic +S+ T and so on.


Espen borrow the beastmen army book so I hope he will play soon again.
Aaaah Sxxt Fxxxing GW plastic glue. Maybe this is a omen. Later when I should put back my army on the shelf the thundertusk fell apart. 
It is now fixed (not with GW glue) and ready for more action
See you soon
Keep your dice rolling

1 comment:

  1. Yeah – the GW plastic glue does not bond well. It seems that it does not manage to “melt” the plastic properly, giving only a "superficial bond". Personally I favour the traditional "plastic kit" glue options, like from the UHU range.

    I am sorry I have not posted a comment earlier. Lots at work and 40K have taken the better of me the last couple of weeks. Oh well, that’s life.

    Good to see that your Ogre army came through. It must have been a laugh / surprise when that “Monster” appeared! Well, that’s Fantasy, and why we love it. It also seems that the Beast men general had bad luck with his dice rolls (failing 3 charges was it?). As I have always stated, large blocks of Ogres managing to hit the enemy battle line at the same time is just brutal.

    I guess the Thunder tusk sinks a lot of points, and it all (of course) comes down to having a tight formation around it (for it to pay off), or simply use the points on mote Bulls. As you state - one cannonball and... You know my thoughts on this subject, but I think its grate you try out new combos (and the model looks great). If you want to test the concept against Skaven or High Elves, do let med know!
