strife! The Dark Elf menace once again descends upon the shore of Ulthuan.
Destroying all that lie in their path, there is only one solution – an al out
combat war with no pardon asked – or given!
Dark Elves goes first. To the north the Dark Elves deploy (from vest to east): A
Cold One Chariot, Cross Bow Warriors (behind them Harpy’s), Witch Elves,
Corsairs (behind them Spearmen with the Supreme Sorceress Lv4 and the Cauldron),
Cold One Chariot, War Hydra, Cross Bow Warriors (behind them Harpy’s), Cold One
Knights and a Reaper Bolt Thrower (a lot of models….).
High Elves deploy to the south (from vest to east): A Eagle, White Lions,
Spearmen, Phoenix Guard with BSB and Archmage (Lv4), Archers with Mage Lv2), Archers,
Dragon Princes and a Eagle (not that many models…. – ore units….).
High Elves moves forward, the Eagle to the vest “redirecting” behind a large
building, the Eagle to the East moving right in front of the Cold One Knights.
The White Lions and Spearmen move towards the centre of the battlefield, the
archers adjusting their position. Nothing to dramatic happened in the Magic or
Shooting phase.
Harpy’s to the vest moved past the building threatening the High Elf flank to
the vest. To Harpy’s to the East moves straight forward against the main centre High
Elf Archer unit, hiding inside a wood. The Witch Elves moves forward hiding
behind the farmhouse. The Corsairs and War Hydra moving towards the centre. The
centre Cold One Chariot fail its test and the Cold Ones drools and moves 1”
forward. The Cold One Knights charge and cut down the Eagle to the vest,
reforming towards the Dragon Princes. The magic and shooting is pretty
much uneventful.

Dragon Princes charge and kills the Cold One Knights, and overruns towards the
Reaper Bolt Thrower to the northeast. The Eagle to the south move up and blocs the
advance of the War Hydra and the Corsairs. The White Lions and Spearmen moves
forward towards centre, ready to be charged, or to charge, next turn. Magic
and shooting kills most of the Harpy’s to the east and the some Cross Bow Warriors. The magic “buffing” several of the High Elf units.
War Hydra charges the Eagle in centre, kills it, but does not overrun into the
High Elf battle line. "Unfortunately" the Witch Elves are somewhat “boxed in”
behind the building. The Harpy’s to the vest charge the White Lions flank, are
reduced to 2 models, loose combat and flee. The Chariot to the vest moves straight
south in order to advance past the building next turn. The Corsairs fail their
charge slightly, moving forward towards centre. The dark Elf magic phase kills
several White Lions. A Dragon Prince and several Archers are lost to missile

High Elf Spearmen charges the War Hydra, passing their Terror test. The Book of
Hoeth grants them “Okkams Mindrazor" (Strenght 8 Elves fighting in 3 Ranks with
Always Strikes first and re roll to hit....), killing the War Hydra, surging
forward destroying the Cold One Chariot. The White Lions move after them preparing a flank
assault on the Corsairs once they charge the Spearmen. To the East the Dragon Princes
destroys the Reaper Bolt Thrower, moving of the table.
The Corsairs charge the Spearmen
in the flank, killing them and reforming towards the main Archer unit to the
centre south. The Centre Harpy flies over the High Elf battle line, hiding
behind the centre large Archer unit (knowing they would not turn to engage,
denying the High Elves victory points). The Cold One Chariot to the vest moves
around the building. A combination of magic and shooting results in the White
Lions fleeing - south (not even a
reroll on the BSB helped…).
the northeast the Dragon princes moves towards the Cross Bow Warriors. The
White Lions rallies, turning to face the Cold One Chariot to the south vest.
Some Corsairs fall to magic and missiles from the Archers, but nothing decisive.
Crossbow unit to the northeast opens fire against the Dragon princes, who in
turn FAIL their leadership when losing a Knight. Damn! They almost flee of the
board. Damn!! The Corsairs moves forward towards the centre main Archer unit,
but hesitates due to the presence of the large block of Phoenix Guard - guarding
them. To the south the Cold One Chariot charges the White Lions, inflicting
more casualties then the White Lions (yes… - they did!), but the White Lions
held firm (this time...).
the north east the Dragon Princes rally’s, but are to fare away to re enter the
battle, so they just held their ground. The White Lions manages to kill the Cold
One Chariot, reforming towards centre, but they are also to fare away from
centre to engage any units last turn. Magic and missile fire continue to kill
of Corsairs, but with 4+ Sv against shooting and 5+ Ws from the Cauldron,
they do not die in droves (as they should…).
Cross Bow units turn to face the Dragon princes (an act of "always play at full
capasity until it is over"). The Corsairs did not want to engage the centre Phoenix Guard /
Archer unit, and maintained their position. The Cauldron and Spearmen moved
towards centre. In the magic phase the Supreme Sorceress kills several White
Lions, but are killed in the magic backlash!
was over!
game that in hen sight was pretty exiting. Through turn 1 – 3 the High Elves
had the “upper hand”,
but the Dark Elves managed to retake the initiative in turn 4 – 5. Turn 6 seeing
both armies trying to avoid unnecessary losses.
tally showed that the High Elves won a "Crushing Victory" (did not feel like it) over the Dark Elves,
mutch thanks to the Supreme Sorcerer (again) killing herself ;)