Wednesday 29 January 2014

Beastmen list

Sheffield slaughter Tournament is this weekend. It would be nice to visit UK again.
 I will probably face a lot of realy good player and get some hard times.
 Should be very fun anyway. 6 games 2000p (Beastmen, Tomb king . Wood elf get extra 300p)
4 of the games has scenarios so this is also a “new “factor for me.
I will go for Beastmen  this time.I have played five games with the below list after the new year
Lost to DoC, Beastmen. Draw vs Dark elf.  Victory vs Tomb kings ,Empire.
Great Bray Shaman: General Lv4 (Shadow), Power Scroll, The talisman of preservation,

Ironcurse icon.                                                                                                                     320p


Bray Shaman: Lv2 (Shadow), Warrior bane, Dispel scroll, Obsidian trinket.                     155p

Bray Shaman: Lv2 (Beast), Add HW, Shard of the heard stone.                                       162p

Wargor: BSB, Standard of discipline, Heavy Armour, Shield, Gnarled hide.                    146p


7 x Ungor Riders                                                                                                                   42p

7 x Ungor Riders                                                                                                                   42p

50 Gor heard: FCG, Add HW                                                                                             425p

15 Gor heard: FCG, Shield                                                                                                  145p

5 x Harpies: Scout                                                                                                                  70p

5 x Harpies: Scout                                                                                                                  70p

39x Bestigor heard: FCG, Gleaming pennant                                                                     503p

Razorgor heard:                                                                                                                     55p

Razorgor heard:                                                                                                                   55p

Razorgor heard:                                                                                                                   55p


Chaos Spawn                                                                                                                       55p


Total 2300p


  1. 5 games already, I haven’t managed more than 2 games of 40K so far…..
    Interesting list. Seems like the tournament with scenarios should be a lot of fun, and a trip abroad always is.

    Best of luck to you, and do let us know how it goes☺


  2. Thank you.
    This is a link for the rules pack.

    98 players. I have no hope for a great sucesess but if I managed around 50 place I will be happy, I must play carfully and with my brain and not with my heart :o)
    I will write some small reports when I came back home.

  3. Looking forward to reading about it :) Enjoy!
