Sunday 22 July 2012

Warriors of Chaos – army progress #2

Finally the “shipment” of 300 metal skulls arrived, and I where able to finish building the unit of 50 Chaos Marauders. Next up – summer vacation!

After suggestion from Birk, I decided to ad various extra bits to each model in order to create a unified “mob” but “individual models”, mainly cloth, furs and shields. I also built a couple with axe (hand weapon and shield) so I can put them in the front rank using the unit as a “hand weapon and shield” unit. Shields placed on the shoulders, side or rear of the models also gives me the option to “field them” with some extra protection if I decide to do so.

The skulls had to be filed and cut. Being in metal this was a tiresome job, but I hope they will add narrative to my army (seeing them as walking south from the skull and bone covered plains in the north).

When returning from holiday I have to adjust my Dark Eldar and Space Marine army to the new 6th edition 40K rules book (this can be seen at the team Stormbolter Blogg in late august, link below on this blogg), hence I will probably continue the work with the Chaos army late September.

Wishing you all an enjoyable summer!                                                             

1 comment:

  1. Impressing. I'm quite sure that the result will be outstanding.
