Daemons of Chaos deployed first, to the north. From the North vest: Seekers,
Pink Horrors with Lv2 Herald of Tzeentch, Daemonettes of Slaanesh, Blood
Crushers of Khorne, Daemonettes of Slaanesh and a Lv2 Daemon Prince. Behind
each unit of Daemonettes of Slaanesh, units of Bloodletters of Khorne.
deployed to the south. From the South vest: Skaven Slaves with Engineer,
Slaves, Slaves with Lv4 Grey Seer, Hellpit, Storm Vermin, Lv1 Plague Priest with
Plague Furnace and Plague Monks, Slaves with Lv1 Engineer and the Doomwheel.
Behind the lines, two Warp Lighting cannons and in centre a unit of Clanrats
with Warlord and BSB. A unit of Gutter runners hides inside a forest to the
Skaven army moves towards the Daemon army. The Hellpit rolls low, getting
bugged down behind a building exposing has flank in turn 2, meaning he will
have to turn around and find another way into battle (damn). The DoomWheele
also rolls low (damn). The cannons take out several Blood Crushers (yes). Warp
Lightning wounds the Daemon Prince. The Grey Seer fails to cast the 13th
spell. The DoomWheele fails its Ld test and opens fire on the Gutter Runners. 3
gets killed, they fail their Ld test, and falls back!
Daemons moves forward, but to the Skaven Warlords grate surprise, does not
march at full speed. They keep their distance meaning that the Cannons get one
more turn to shoot. The magic phase is uneventful.
Hellpit turns around and smashes into the centre Slave unit, killing a rank. Oh
well, they are only – slaves. The Gutter Runners does not manage to rally! The
Slave units adjust their position. Moving one unit into the wood, and close to
a building, only one unit from the Daemon army will be able to charge next
turn. To the east the DoomWheele drives past the Daemon prince, the Plague
Monks and Slaves moving forward. In the magic phase the Grey Seer cast Death
Frenzy on the Storm Vermin, killing 5 of them. Again he fails casting the 13th
spell. The engineer fires he’s Doomrocket killing half of the Daemonettes to
the northeast. The DoomWheele wounds the Daemon prince 3 times, but it manages
all 3 Ward saves (damn). The Cannons fare better, killing another two Blood
Seekers charge the Slaves to the southwest, the Daemonettes charge the Slaves
in the forest, and the Daemonettes to the northeast charge the Plague Monks.
The Daemon prince Charge the Slaves to the far northeast in the flank. The
Blood Crushers fail their charge! Again the Skaven Warlord is Magic missiles
kill of several Slaves in the unengaged centre unit. Being Steadfast, all Slave
units manage to hold. The Plague Monks kills of the Daemonettes.

Plague Monks charge the Bloodletters to the northeast, the DoomWheele charges
the Daemon prince (locked with the Slaves). The Grey Seers leaves the Slaves
and fly over the table behind enemy lines. The Gutter Runners rally (finally).
The Hellpit runs vest in order to get into position later in the game (damn
building). The Grey Seer again fails to cast the 13th spell (he need
a big bottle of something…). Nothing eventful in the magic ore-shooting phase.
The Doomwheel and Slaves kills of the Daemon Prince. The Plague Monks let loose
their Plague Banner and wipes out the Blood Letters. The two Slaves units to
the west hold the Seekers and the Daemonettes. Another 5 Storm Vermin dies to
the effect of death Frenzy.

remaining Herald of Khorne on a Juggernaut charges and wipes out the Storm
Vermin. Hmmm….. This is the 3 game they fail to get their points value back….
The Blood letters in centre finally turns and moves behind the building towards
the Slaves to the east. Nothing to eventful in the magic phase.
Plague Monks turn around heading west towards centre. The Hellpit goes north
into the wood (making its test). The Grey Seer moves past the Pink Horrors, but
again fails to cast the 13th spell. Bad Grey Seer! The Slaves to the
east moves past vest to face the Herald of Khorne. One cannon misfires (nothing
bad happens) and the other does not manage to kill the Herald. The Slaves kills
the Seekers and reform towards centre. The DoomWheele keep its distance.
Pink Horrors turn around threatening the Grey Seer. The Bloodletters close in
on the Slaves. The Daemonettes in centre kills the Slaves and reform towards
the next Slave unit. Uneventful magic phase.
Grey Seer jumps over the Pink Horrors. The Slaves and Hellpit Charges the
remaining Daemonettes unit. The Plague Monks charge the Bloodletters in the
side. The Slaves to the east charge the Herald. Finally the 13th
spell goes of, and the Pink Horrors are transformed into RATS. The Plague Monks
kills the Bloodletters. The Slaves defeat the herald. The Slaves and Hellpit
wipe out the Daemonettes.
is over. The Daemons of Chaos army is wiped out.
am a bit surprised the Daemons of Chaos general did push harder in turn two,
and that he did not try to go around the building earlier in the game. I am
also surprised that I “clogged” the advance on my own Hellpit resulting in him
only entering combat turn 5! I am finished with the Storm Vermin. The only
thing they have done the last three games are – dying. And my Grey Seer needs
to drink something…